#024 Paperbag solution
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Paperbag solution
Creator's comments
after 3 weeks of holidays (during which Sutech failed to deliver a guest strip instead of me :'( ) and after my first European Go Congress attendance, E3A is back, finally ^_^

Besides the discovery that a paperbag can solve almost all crucial problems you may encounter on your way to improve in go (I know that it is not true, but wouldn't it be awesome?), I wanted to use a few actual people I met during congress in this strip. So besides the hello kitty-guy from #020, there are 3 other guest characters that I hope will recognise themselves ^_^"
I think she will soon understand how happy she could have become with the empty triangle. Is a paperbag really better than a dango?
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Name_symbol Algohol <2012-05-09 10:32>
  This laughing clock really feeds my paranoia about ing...
Name_symbol mike <2011-07-24 00:06>
  Ooooo! draw a face on the bag! :D
Layout by chidori programmed by sutech&pasky&mrkva - 2006-2015